For mechanical and plant engineering
Further information via e-mail
Welcome to the industry specialists in mechanical and plant engineering simulation and calculation
Now new:
- We offer simulation services without the recurring discussions about the results of stress analysis by using the reference calculation method
- Your advantage: Faster and easier acceptance inspection at the customer or notified bodies
- Calculation of industrial pipes, pressure vessels and mechanical components
- Structural-mechanical simulation – strength verification and optimization (elastic and plastic verification)
- Material fatigue and service life calculation e.g. for optimization of service intervals
- Special flange design e.g. for externally heated double-walled pipes
- Flange verifications at the strength utilization limit simulated with fluid pressure penetration of the gasket
- Pipe system calculations combined with special component verification using Finite Element Method
- Computational Fluid Dynamics – optimization of industrial products and processes through flow and particle simulation
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) studies
- Thermomechanical analysis e.g. for heat transfer studies / energy optimization
- Smoke and temperature control in emergency situations at civil infrastructures
- Energy calculation and optimization for buildings and industrial plants
- Calculation of steel structures
- Product development
- Consulting/Coaching/Training
All services are available according to:
- EN 13445 (unfired pressure vessels)
- AD 2000 (accepted regulation for pressure vessels)
- EN 13480 (metallic industrial piping)
- EN 1591 (flanges with gasket in the main force connection)
- VDI 2230 (systematic calculation of highly stressed screw connections)
- CODAP (building code for French pressure vessels)
- CODETI (building code for French metallic industrial piping)
- RToD (dutch regulations for pressure vessels)
- PD 5500 (british standard for pressure vessels)
- ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
- CECT (steel penstocks for hydroelectric power plants)
- KTA (Nuclear Technical Committee)
- DVS (German Association for Welding and Allied Processes)
- DIN EN 13001 (cranes)
- DIN EN 13155 (cranes - loose load handling equipment)
- EN 14460 (explosion proof devices)
- FKM-Richtlinie (Mathematical verification of machine components)
- Eurocode

- Increased efficiency
- Cost saving
- Growth in quality level
- Production growth
- Problems and bottlenecks solving
- Bigger earning
- Better performance
- Bigger innovation capacity, with lower risk assumption
- Time saving
Our partners:
High-quality calculation partners are a basic requirement for professional performance and cost efficience.
That's why we work only with highly experienced and specialized calculation providers.
You can count on our 30 engineers!